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I know that college is going to be very stressful since my major is definitely one of the most competitive. I hope that I get as much as possible out of this experience to help me in college.

PurposeThe purpose of the journal entries are to provide a personal record of my learning experience during ALP. This is my opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings towards my project and state any struggles and successes I have had. 

Journal Entry #1: Getting Started

Journal Entry #2: Fieldwork: First 8 Hours

Although some of my opportunities have not worked out, I have learned a lot from them. I have had to communicate with adults, whether it is over the phone, email, or even in person.

My experience so far

Journal Entry #4: Fieldwork: Hours 20 & Beyond

I think the fact that I am stepping out of my comfort zone so much has caused problems to emerge.

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